Node.js File Upload API with Express Tutorial

Node.js File Upload API with Express Tutorial
Build a Node.js file upload API with Express in this backend web development tutorial. We'll create a simple Node.js REST API with an upload endpoint allowing us to upload files of any type we choose.

Build a Node.js file upload API with Express in this backend web development tutorial. We’ll create a simple Node.js REST API with an upload endpoint allowing us to upload files of any type we choose.

Node.js File Upload API with Express Tutorial:

(00:00) Intro
(00:43) Welcome
(01:09) Add dependencies
(02:56) Basic server setup
(04:04) Index.html route
(04:43) Create the HTML file upload form
(07:25) JavaScript to submit the files
(12:09) Post route and fileUpload middleware
(14:22) Test the server post route
(16:21) filesPayloadExists middleware
(18:29) fileSizeLimiter middleware
(23:09) fileExtLimiter middleware
(27:43) Import and apply all custom middleware
(29:15) Test the middleware
(31:14) Saving files to the server
(33:49) Testing the file upload process

#node #file #upload


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