Netlify Tutorial - How to build and deploy websites using Netlify

Netlify Tutorial - How to build and deploy websites using Netlify
Netlify Tutorial - How to build and deploy websites using Netlify

Netlify helps developers quickly roll out static websites. In this in-depth Netlify course for beginners, you will learn how to use the service for everything needed in modern web development, from local setup to global deployment. This video is the perfect place to start for anyone that wants to learn how to use Netlify.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:03:42) Part 1: 🗺️ Netlify Edge
⌨️ (00:37:15) Part 2: ⚒️ Netlify Build
⌨️ (01:02:02) Part 3: 👩🏼‍💻 Netlify Dev
⌨️ (01:24:17) Part 4: 🗒️ Netlify Forms
⌨️ (01:55:21) Part 5: 🆔 Netlify Identity
⌨️ (02:34:07) Part 6: ✍️ NetlifyCMS
⌨️ (02:59:53) Part 7: ➕ Netlify Addons: Everything Else!
⌨️ (03:18:18) Part 8: 🍻 Netlify API
⌨️ (03:25:39) Part 9: ❓ Learn More

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