Vue.js 3 Crash Course 2020 Part 1 | Learn Vue.js

Vue.js 3 Crash Course 2020 Part 1 | Learn Vue.js
Let's learn Vue JS 3 - the lastest Vue.js library bringing a lot of breaking changes. If you're new to JavaScript frameworks, Vue can be a neat choice.

Let’s learn Vue JS 3 - the lastest Vue.js library bringing a lot of breaking changes. If you’re new to JavaScript frameworks, Vue can be a neat choice.

00:00 Kickstart
00:41 Why Vue.js
01:36 Setting up the environment
06:14 Project Init And Breaking Changes
07:54 Hello World
11:17 Data in Vue.js
14:12 Accessing Vue.js Data And Methods
18:38 Lifecycle Events
23:12 Methods
25:06 Vue Expressions
28:08 Vue Directives
30:53 v-html
33:09 Loops using v-for
40:18 Event Handlers
42:52 One Way Data Binding
46:45 Two Way Data Binding
50:10 Event Modifiers
56:16 Final Vue App Project


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