Code a Twitter Clone with Flutter, Appwrite, Riverpod | Full Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced

Code a Twitter Clone with Flutter, Appwrite, Riverpod | Full Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced
In this 9 Hour Tutorial, we will be building a Twitter clone that works with Flutter 3.7. We will cover various features such as signing up and signing in with email and password, tweeting text, images, and links, identifying and storing hashtags, displaying tweets, liking tweet

In this 9 Hour Tutorial, we will be building a Twitter clone that works with Flutter 3.7. We will cover various features such as signing up and signing in with email and password, tweeting text, images, and links, identifying and storing hashtags, displaying tweets, liking tweets, retweeting, commenting/replying, following users, searching for users, displaying followers, following, and recent tweets, editing user profiles, showing tweets with specific hashtags, and a premium feature called “Twitter Blue”. Additionally, we will also be implementing a notifications tab that will show notifications when someone replies to you, follows you, likes your tweet or retweets. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully-functional Twitter clone that you can further customize and improve upon.

🕑 Timestamps:
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:54) Appwrite & Docker Installation
(00:05:18) Important Appwrite Commands
(00:07:01) Appwrite Setup for Android & iOS
(00:09:19) Setting up Flutter Project
(00:17:46) Architectural & Folder Pattern
(00:24:24) Login UI
(00:49:40) Signup UI
(00:55:10) Signing Up User with Appwrite Auth
(01:16:24) Providing the Class / Dependency Injection
(01:24:50) Signing Up User contd. (Auth Controller)
(01:48:58) Login User with Appwrite Auth
(01:53:59) Adding Proper Navigation
(01:57:09) Persisting Auth State
(02:06:24) Saving User Data to Appwrite Database
(02:32:50) FIXING Android Related Problems
(02:34:18) Solving Appwrite unauthorized_scope Problem
(02:36:14) Home Screen UI
(02:44:30) Create Tweet Screen UI
(02:58:03) FIXING User Data Storage & Retrieval Bug
(03:00:30) Create Tweet Screen UI contd.
(03:08:10) Picking Multiple Images & Displaying in Carousel
(03:17:35) Storing Tweets to Appwrite Database & Appwrite Storage
(04:01:33) Displaying Tweets
(04:37:54) Displaying New Tweets LIVE with Appwrite Realtime
(05:00:51) Like Button Animation
(05:04:40) Liking Tweet
(05:16:25) Retweeting / Resharing Tweet (Realtime)
(05:40:39) Replying to other user’s Tweets
(06:17:53) Searching Users
(06:37:08) Displaying User Profiles
(07:04:26) Editing User Own Profile
(07:31:44) Updating User Profile Data Realtime
(07:41:17) Following Other users
(07:52:41) Sending Notifications when User Likes
(08:09:54) FIXING Like Bug
(08:10:45) Displaying & Sending Notifications
(08:38:34) Displaying Posts By Hashtags
(08:48:44) Side Drawer UI & Navigation to Current User Profile
(08:53:58) TWITTER BLUE
(08:59:10) Logging Out with Appwrite Auth
(09:02:14) Conclusion


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