Build Node.js User Authentication - Password Login

Build Node.js User Authentication - Password Login
In this video we are going to build a secure Node.js user authentication system. I will be covering all of the security concerns that you will run into while building an authentication system. We will also cover how to securely store a password in case of a database breach.

In this video we are going to build a secure Node.js user authentication system. I will be covering all of the security concerns that you will run into while building an authentication system. We will also cover how to securely store a password in case of a database breach. Lastly, we will cover how to login a user securely based on their name and password.

📚 Materials/References:

GitHub Code:
Login With Passport Tutorial:

🧠 Concepts Covered:

  • What a password salt is
  • How to properly hash a password
  • How to store passwords
  • Basic express server setup
  • User login

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