Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 2

Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 2
In part 2, we're going to focus on the frontend development of our blog that we designed in part 1 (linked below). We'll code the entire frontend and get it working with the Ghost Headless CMS.

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Part 1:

This project’s code:

Let’s get started!

Who is Gary Simon? Well, I’m a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I’ve created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn,, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website

Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!


Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 1

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