Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 1

Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 1
Welcome to this 2-part crash course into designing and developing a personal blog in Nuxt.js and a Headless CMS called Ghost. Nuxt.js is a Vue.js framework that provides SSR (server side rendering), which is great for blogs as it's SEO friendly.

Working With Vuetify Forms and Validation

How to Integrate the Authentication Module to Nuxt application

Why Is Nuxt.js the Best Choice for Your Next Web Application?

A headless CMS is a backend for your blog that allows yourself and other writers to easily create posts, pages, etc… without having to code the backend yourself.

In Part 1, we’re going to focus on the UI design of our blog in Adobe XD (though, you can use Figma or Sketch too). We’ll create a mobile mockup and a desktop mockup for the blog.

In part 2 (releasing in a day or two), we’ll finish up the project by stepping into the world of frontend development and making it a reality in the browser.

Part 2 is here:

Who is Gary Simon? Well, I’m a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I’ve created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn,, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website
Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!


Create a Personal Blog with Nuxt.js & Headless CMS (Ghost) - 2

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