A Simple Vue Component That Allows Both Fullscreen and Horizontal Scroll

A Simple Vue Component That Allows Both Fullscreen and Horizontal Scroll
Vue Scroll Snap A super simple Vue component that allows both fullscreen and horizontal scroll snapping.

Vue Scroll Snap

A super simple Vue component that allows both fullscreen and horizontal scroll snapping.


Check out the live demo to see the scroll snapping in action.


npm install vue-scroll-snap --save


There are four ways of using Vue Scroll Snap. They are described below. For more a more detailed description, see the example directory.


    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>

  import VueScrollSnap from "vue-scroll-snap";

  export default {
    components: {VueScrollSnap},


  .item {
    /* Set the minimum height of the items to be the same as the height of the scroll-snap-container.*/
    min-height: 500px;

  .scroll-snap-container {
    height: 500px;
    width: 500px;


  <vue-scroll-snap :horizontal="true">



  .item {
    /* Set the minimum width of the items to be the same as the width of the scroll-snap-container.*/
    min-width: 500px;

  .scroll-snap-container {...}

Fullscreen Vertical

  <vue-scroll-snap :fullscreen="true">

<style>/* No styling required. */</style>

Fullscreen Horizontal

  <vue-scroll-snap :fullscreen="true" :horizontal="true">

<style>/* No styling required. */</style>


Optional Props

Prop Type Default
fullscreen Boolean false
horizontal Boolean false

Download Details:

Author: angelomelonas

Source Code: https://github.com/angelomelonas/vue-scroll-snap


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