A Vue 3 Wrapper for Cupertino Library

A Vue 3 Wrapper for Cupertino Library
Cupertino Pane for Vue 3 .A Vue 3 Wrapper for Cupertino Library.

Cupertino Pane for Vue 3

Notes: if your are looking for vue 2 repo here Cupertino-Pane for vue 2


Actually kinda easy

  npm i -D v-cupertino

How works




The component just have one simple slot where you can easily put one or multiple components (by wrapping it in a template or wrap element like a div), doesn’t have any special v-slots, any component or html element used will fallback into v-slot:default.

      <div>Hola mundo!<div>
      <div>Adiós mundo cruel!</div>

  <script lang="ts">
    import { defineComponent } from "vue";
    import VCupertino from "v-cupertino";

    export default defineComponent({
      name: "App",
      components: {


props type example comments
:drawerOptions ( optional ) CupertinoSettings <v-cupertino :drawerOptions="yourSettingsObject"> The same as the Cupertinos Options; constraints you cannot override cupertino’s callbacks even if you specified in the CupertinoSettings’ Object
:entryAnimation ( optional ) Boolean <v-cupertino :entryAnimation="Boolean"> Whether the drawer should present, destroy or hide with a smooth animation
:entryComponent ( optional ) Component <v-cupertino :entryComponent="Component"> The component itself use slots, but I think it would be faster to toggle between component from scripts instead of using v-if also components remember their state because are wrapped by <keep-alive> tag
:isPresent Boolean <v-cupertino :entryComponent="Component"> Whether the component should be present or hide, when initialize; default: true
:id Number String <v-cupertino :id="2">


Note: Are the same hooks as the Cupertino pane but instead of camelCase are kebak-case and without the prefix on: @will-dismiss, @backdrop-tap...

events return comments
@did-dismiss () => void
@will-dismiss () => void
@did-present () => cupertinoInstance Returns: the cupertino instance inside the component when the drawer is already visible, this is useful when you need to have access to the instance once is visible
@will-present () => cupertinoInstance Returns: the cupertino instance inside the component when the drawer will be visible, this is useful when you need to have access to the instance before is visible
@drag-start () => number Returns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@drag () => number Returns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@drag-end () => number Returns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@backdrop-tap () => void
@transition-start () => void
@transition-end () => void

How to get access to the public method from the Cupertino Instance inside the component <v-cupertino />

There are actually three ways to get the instance from <v-cupertino /> component from its parent container:

  • refs
  • From the instance returned by @did-present event
  • From the instance returned by @will-present event

Getting the instance with refs


Sample code

  <v-cupertino ref="cupertinoRef">
    <div>Hola mundo!<div>

<script lang="ts">
  import { CupertinoPane } from "cupertino-pane";
  import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, Ref } from "vue";
  import VCupertino from "./components/VCupertino.vue";

  export default defineComponent({
    name: "App",
    components: {
    setup() {
      const cupertinoRef: Ref<typeof VCupertino> = ref(VCupertino);

      onMounted(() => {
        const cupertino = cupertinoRef.value.cupertino as CupertinoPane;
        cupertino.setDarkMode({ enable: true });

      return {

Getting the instance from @did-present or @will-present event


Sample code

  <v-cupertino @did-present="hook">
    <div>Hola mundo!<div>

<script lang="ts">
  import { CupertinoPane } from "cupertino-pane";
  import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, Ref } from "vue";
  import VCupertino from "./components/VCupertino.vue";

  export default defineComponent({
    name: "App",
    components: {
    setup() {
      const hook = ({ value }: Ref<CupertinoPane>) => {

      return {

Using public methods

Here an overview of all the public methods

Using the refs example to access public methods

import { CupertinoPane } from "cupertino-pane";
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref, Ref } from "vue";
import VCupertino from "./components/VCupertino.vue";

export default defineComponent({
  name: "App",
  components: {
  setup() {
    const cupertinoRef: Ref<typeof VCupertino> = ref(VCupertino);

    onMounted(() => {
      const cupertino = cupertinoRef.value.cupertino as CupertinoPane;
      cupertino.setDarkMode({ enable: Boolean }); // param: 
      cupertino.moveToBreak(String); // Will change pane position with animation to selected breakpoint. param: required('top' | 'middle' | 'bottom')
      cupertino.moveToHeight(Number); // Will move pane to exact height with animation. Breakpoints will saved. param: required
      cupertino.hide(); // Dissappear pane from screen, still keep pane in DOM.
      cupertino.present({ animated: Boolean }); // Will render pane DOM and show pane with setted params. param: optional
      cupertino.destroy({ animated: Boolean }); // Remove pane from DOM and clear styles
      // to check more public methods to *overview* that is above

    return {

Notes: In case you need more information about the library, remember that this is only a wrapper, for more information go to the oficial Cupertino Pane library.

Download Details:

Author: Devrax

Source Code: https://github.com/Devrax/v-cupertino


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